(801) 951-8099


(801) 951-8099

Keep Your

Keep Your

Dr. Grant A. Fairbanks, M.D. and Team are excited to announce the launch of the new surgical foundation, Heads Up!

The Heads Up mission is to provide craniofacial surgeries to children in need whose families cannot afford it. Many of these surgeries are incredibly expensive and usually are not something that young parents can afford. These surgeries include but are not limited to: Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate, Nasal Deformities, Ear Reconstruction for Microtia (born without an ear), Ear Reconstruction for traumatic ear loss, and Otoplasty for prominent ears.

Over the course of Dr. Fairbanks 18+ years in practice, we have seen lives changed, self-esteem grow, tears from grateful parents, and lots and lots of smiles. Pediatric reconstructive surgeries literally change children’s lives for the better, allowing them to be “normal”, like all the other kids.

All too often insurance companies of all types may not consider certain procedures for these children as medically necessary and will deny them the care they need. Many families are limited to the care they need or their preferred physician as a result of their insurance plan. HUF recognizes the needs and their right to choose their Physician.

The year 2020 was far from normal or easy. It came with lots of challenges. However, beautiful things have taken place; neighbor looking out for neighbor, strangers serving strangers, donations great and small to various organizations and charities around the world.

Heads Up is excited to start it’s legacy. We are so grateful for all the support that has gotten us to where we are today. We have seen how lives are blessed with some of the smallest changes through reconstructive surgery. To make this legacy strong, financial donations are most appreciated. Please consider donating to the Heads Up Foundation so that we can help children in need to Keep their Heads Up.

Most sincerely,

Heads Up FoundationTeam

Heads Up Craniofacial Surgery Foundation


Copyright © 2021 Heads Up Craniofacial Surgery Foundation.


(801) 951-8099

Copyright © 2021 Heads Up Craniofacial Surgery Foundation

(801) 951-8099